Monday, 18 July 2011

Miss Milly Moo: A little slice of homemade....

Miss Milly Moo: A little slice of homemade....

A little slice of homemade....

I have been asked "why arent you doing clothes anymore!" since making my announcement yesterday, as I explained yesterday, I no longer enjoyed making them - it wasnt my passion or even something that kept my creative spark alive, so Im backing away from it, while I'll still sew for my wee lass I wont be  for my page.

Another thing that "The Market"  and being a part of its organizing opened my eyes to, was the fact that down here in the deep south, there are so many great businesses that already make little ladies clothes and even more in New Zealand itself. So I decided to step down so to speak and do what really makes me happy, and if its a success FANTASTIC, but I am loving the fact I now enjoy sitting in front of my new machine! (fingers crossed soon it will also be in my brand new sewing room!) 
I am so excited about my direction! - can you tell :)

So this post is to share with you some other fabulous pages that sell all things girly!

5 Little Monkeys Clothing - Invercargill

3 Little Rascals - Invercargill

Popular Childrens Wear - Invercargill

Cutey Pie Creation - Dunedin

The Ragdoll Princess - Tutu heaven!

Yumminess Textiles - Australia, but so worth it!

These pages of course are just the tip of a very large iceburg of talented people that create beautiful, high quality items for your little princess
So as you can see I was in amongst it with some awesome pages, I do hope you will check them out and hopefully become a future customer

Till next time...


Sunday, 17 July 2011

New Direction , New beginnings

As you would have read on my facebook page, Miss Milly Moo has under gone a change in direction,

Over the last couple of months, I had felt as if something was missing and I had lost that fire and passion I had for everything Miss Milly Moo. I liked what I was doing but didn't LOVE it, and loving it was why I started this journey in the first place.

While I had enjoyed making and selling all the products I have had available, I was losing well pretty much lost the drive to make most of them, the only products that still inspire me to create are my hair accessories, they still give me a real buzz of accomplishment, it was at the market I attended last weekend that really opened my eyes that I no longer enjoyed making or wanted to make clothes for order, so with this new revelation I have spent the past week having a good hard look not only at Miss Milly Moo, but myself.
During this I had what I like to call my "a-ha" moment (to quote Oprah)

I have a small addiction...heheheh... I LOVE HANDBAGS! and why am I not making something that I love and would use myself.

                                                                          *example of what I love not whats available

I also love shoes...but yeah thats a whole other kettle of fish, and a tad harder I think :) - Thou I have an idea they may just fill this gap a smidge...

So as of now Miss Milly Moo is no longer selling tutus or tutu dresses, Or Millys Closet Range - There are so many talented businesses out there that already do both of these and they have the drive and the passion to provide it.I am still planning to do my Little Prince range but will admit this is a couple of months down the track as it is kinda sitting on the back burner...but I promise it is still simmering away

Miss Milly Moo will now be the place to visit for Handbags, Clutches and hair accessories.
My handbags and Clutches will be sold by collection, and will be previewed on our page but only available for purchase through our Felt Store

I am so EXCITED about this new direction, I know this is probably a shock to most, but I do hope that you will all join and support me in this new chapter

Thursday, 23 June 2011

To the market we shall go...

It is quite scary this market business! I have a HUGE respect for those that do it regularly and also be a mum/wife and in some cases also work a full time job, its just amazing what we can do when we want it bad enough.
I'm attending my VERY first market as a vendor on the 9th July, The Market has been started by the Southland WAHM's group to help get our wonderful business out into the public eye.
I am kinda starting to freak out a bit now thou, with so many fears, doubts and questions running through my head, how much stock do I take, what if no one buys anything, what if no one comes! All valid fears at 3am to me.
I am excited about going and will be so excited on the day, just at the moment my nerves are winning.

I have done up some new Miss Milly Moo products for the market,  Which my daughter aka tester loves so am hopeful all the other little princesses out there will love them just as much. 

I am in love with these necklaces, so beautiful and safe for little ones. The reversible headbands are so functional and who doesn't like two for the price of one.
There's just something about handmade that I adore, its the love that has gone into the product and the blood, sweat and tears in some cases. 

till next time...


Saturday, 28 May 2011

WOW almost at 300!

Thank is so amazing! and is so much more than I thought I would achieve at this stage!! So THANK YOU to each and everyone of my likers, I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart

I am busy (and stressing) with making and choosing stock for the newest southland event The Market that is being held in SIX WEEKS!! I have never been part of a market before from this side, it is VERY stressful...even more so when your part of the planning committee :) I have been trawling FB and other sites for ideas and market tips, from how much stock to have, to great ways to display your stock and stall...there are sooo many helpful and wonderful pages out there, the one I have fallen in love with is Handmade Canberra, thou they arent from New Zealand their tips and advice are fabulous and fit all markets.
Another wonderful part of this Market is the group that Chantel Kent from Southern Jewels and I started Southland WAHMs, we aim to bring all Southland working at home mums together in an environment that encourages help, support and most of all if your a mum from Southland come over and check us out

Well best be off and get cracking on these new exciting patterns and getting stuck into the fabric that has arrived this week

Have a great weekend xx

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Happy Mothers Day

 Ethan - Amelia (Milly) - Liam

I am so blessed and thankful to be a mum, thou there are mornings I just want to bury my head under the duvet, or run and hide from all those questions,demands and moans -  "mum why is the sky blue?" "mum why cant I fly" "muuuummmmmm" ...But man do I love the little rugrats!!

Tomorrow is Mothers Day and while we really don't do anything in this house hold to celebrate, I'm lucky I get sleep in every weekend and pancakes cooked often...Love you Troy.
But it does make me sit back and think about my mum, I have come to realise that you don't truly appreciate what your mother did and gave up for you, until you become a mum/parent
The saying I hated the most growing up that my mother REPEATED alot was "I know you better than you know yourself", of course I always rolled my eyes and replied with "whatever" - clever response huh
But after having my three, I totally understand and now know, yes as mothers we DO know our children better than they know really is quite scary, and I'm sure I'm going to have that same argument with my children.
 My mother is an amazing person, and really is my inspiration...She raised four children as a solo mother and did a damn good job!
She also picked me up and put me back together after my messy and very painful divorce from my boys father, I really have no idea what I would have done without her during that time.
 So this is a HUGE THANK YOU to my amazing mum!!
 Have a fantastic mothers day everyone, and remember the best gift a mum can get is a hug and a huge smile

xox Miss Milly Moo

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Life...funny how it all works out

2011 I am trying to start an at home business, that I am surprising passionate about...

Thou I have to admit this spur of the moment idea has really lead me down a path of lessons....I never thought that it would hit off as well or as fast as it has!
I thought I would get time to get used to it, the stresses and pressures, hehehehe well life had different ideas.
Time management, while is fantastic in theory...with a 18mth old and two school aged kids...not so easy to put into practice, before I started Miss Milly Moo I thought I had lots of "free" time, and felt as thou I didnt do anything, but now that that "free" time is so very needed and precious I have come to realize I do alot in a week! between coffee group, netball (me), the boys sports, Zumba (Im so ADDICTED) Family and All the attention Miss Milly commands I really dont have as much as I thought, so have been sitting up to the wee hours to get things done! Not so good or healthy for the body or mind.

So after hunting through some of my favourite businesses and seeing how these successful WAHM's do things, I have come up with a new way to work things that will not only be easier for my body but easier on time and my stress levels, all will be revealed this weekend. I think this will help me get thru the next little while and I can always adjust it as Amelia gets older.

Hope everyone is enjoying the school holidays and HAVE A GREAT EASTER!!
MMMmmmm Chocolate, this is my favourite holiday!!


Thursday, 14 April 2011

First.....hopefully of many

Im new to this blogging thing , I have seen a few of my favourite Facebook pages doing their own blogs and I love how you get a look behind the scenes, so thought I would give my own a go.....

I am a mother to three beautiful children Ethan 7, Liam 5 and Amelia aka Milly 18mths also soon to be step mum to Tylah 9. I am also new to this WAHM thing, I started Miss Milly Moo in January out of boredom, but was spurred along by the idea of having something that was mine, and knowing that I was in charge of it and where it was going. I started out my making tutus, tutu dresses and hair accessories and it has progressed to my Milly's Closet and Little Prince ranges.
I love the freedom being a WAHM gives me, I can still go to those sports days and school events, on nice days I can go park with the kids and catch up with work when they are snuggled up in bed. It really is the best of both worlds :)

I am very shocked that this is where my life has lead me, I trained as a beautician and have not sewn since I was in highschool...quite a while ago. I never dreamt that one day I would be sewing dresses and little trousers and most of all ENJOYING every minute of it.

Thank you all for joining me, lets see where this path leads.....